Rules And Regulations
The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania, B.E. 2563 (2020)
The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania; Therefore, regulations have been laid down as follows:
Section 1: General Chapter
1. This organization is called “The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania” is a non-profit organization that is not related to politics.
2. Regulations are effective. From the 16th of August, 2020 onwards
3. The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania, There is an English abbreviation that “THE UNION OF THAI SANGHAS IN OCEANIA”
4. The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania has the abbreviation in Thai as “สทอ” and the abbreviation in English as “UTO”.
5. The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania, The symbolic meaning that the word Union in a triangular shape represents the unity of organization that leads to the same goal. Thai Sanghas represent the blooming and glorifying lotus flower in the middle. Oceania represents an iconic animal figure of Australia and New Zealand, the kangaroo and the kiwi, which looks embracing and supporting the Thai Sanghas union in propagating Buddhism.
6. In this regulation “Union of Thai Sanghas” means Thai Dhammadutas in Oceania.
“Director” means the Executive Director of the Thai Sanghas Union in Oceania.
7. The Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania has the following objectives
1) to lay down policies, promote, support, assist, correct, or improve the religious practice of the temple and the Thai Sanghas, other Sanghas, and the people of Oceania
2) To be a center for exchanging knowledge, opinions, and coordination between the Thai Sanghas, other Sanghas, and the people of Oceania
3) To be a center for exchanging knowledge, implementing, and coordinating between the Thai missionaries in Oceania and the Thai Sangha
4) For cooperation and coordination with Buddhist organizations and other religious organizations
5) For cooperation and coordination with government or private agencies in Oceania and other countries.
Section 2: Administration
8. Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
The Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union means a group of Dhammaduta monks elected by resolutions of the annual general meeting to manage the work of the Thai Dhammaduta Union according to the policies and objectives of the Thai Dhammaduta Union with the term of office is 3 years, details are as follows:
8.1 The Board of Committee of the Thai Sanghas Union consists of
(1) President of the Union of Thai Dhammaduta Union
(2) At least 3 Vice-Presidents of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
(3) One secretary-general of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
(4) At least 3 Deputy Secretary-General of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
(5) Treasurer of the Union of Thai Dhammaduta Union
(6) One Assistant Treasurer of the Union of Thai Dharma ambassadors
(7) Not more than five members of the Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union.
In total no more than 15 people
8.2 When the Managing committee in any position is vacant. The Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union can consider appointing a new managing committee to replace the vacant position. The person who has been appointed to the vacant position shall remain in the position for the remainder of the term of the person he/she replaces
9. The establishment of a secretariat as an agency of the Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union, responsible for meetings, documentary work, registration, legal work, finance, and organizational coordination, including other duties that the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union assigned to the Secretariat. The secretariat office is located in the temple that the secretary is affiliated with.
10. Administration of the Thai Dhammaduta Union divides the work into different departments in administration, propagation, education, public utilities, etc. This may be announced as offices, divisions, centers, or other units to be added to that department.
11. The Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union can invite a Buddhist monk or a layperson to appoint as an advisory and sponsorship committee with the same term as the appointed Board of the committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
12. For details election method, qualifications, other authorities and duties, and the termination of the Thai Dhammaduta Union committee members to be in accordance with the announcement
Section 3:
Authorities and function of the Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
13. The Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union have authorities and function as follows:
13.1 Operations for the administration of the Thai Dhammaduta Union to be in accordance with the policy and objectives
13.2 Maintain and develop members of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
13.3 Appoint or assign committees, subcommittees, or a working group to assist the work of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
14. President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union have authority and function as follows:
14.1 Presiding over the meeting of the board of committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union and Thai Dhammaduta Union meeting
14.2 Being the Chief Executive Officer
14.3 Being a State primate, serving as a designated state administration
14.4 Responsible for the general administration of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
14.5 A representative of the Thai Dhammaduta Union in all affairs
15. Vice-President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union have authority and duties as follows:
15.1 Acting as an assistant to the president of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
15.2 Being a State primate to administer various states as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
15.3 To be the Chairperson of various departments as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
15.4 Acting on behalf of the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union when the president of the Thai Dhammaduta Union is absent or unable to perform duties or as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
16. Secretary-General of the Thai Dhammaduta Union have authority and duties as follows:
16.1 Head of the secretariat office
16.2 Secretary of the Board of Committee
16.3 Secretary of the Executive Committee
16.4 Secretary of the primate of the state as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
16.5 To perform duties assigned by the President or Vice-President, as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union when the Secretary-General is absent or unable to perform duties to the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union can assign one of the deputy secretaries-general to perform duties on his behalf.
17. Deputy Secretary-General of the Thai Dhammaduta Union have authority and duties as follows:
17.1 Acting as assistant secretary at the meeting of the board of committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
17.2 Secretary of various committees as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union.
17.3 Secretary of the primate of the state as assigned by the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
17.4 To perform duties assigned by the President or Vice-President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union when one of the Deputy Secretary-General is absent or unable to perform duties to the president of the Thai Dhammaduta Union can assign one of the deputy secretaries-general to perform duties on his behalf.
18. Other committee members have the authority and duties by serving as members of various departments and performing duties assigned by the Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union. or the president of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
19. Treasurer and assistant treasurer have authority to look after the money and property of the Thai Dhammaduta Union and perform duties assigned by the Board of the Thai Dhammaduta Union or the president of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
Section 4: Members
20. There are two types of members of the Thai Dhammaduta Union: 1. Ordinary 2. Extraordinary, having temples, Dhammaduta monks or monks who came for religious practices in the country in Oceania region.
21. Members of the Thai Dhammaduta Union have a duty to maintain, assist the affairs of the Thai Sangha and the Union of Thai Dhammaduta Union. The details of membership classification and any other rights and duties of all types of members shall be in accordance with the announcement.
Section 5: Finance and Property
22. Money and assets of the Thai Dhammaduta Union may come from
(1) maintenance of members
(2) the donation of the devotees
(3) various funds
(4) agencies, organizations from the private and public sectors;
(5) other income
23. Additional maintenance of money and property of the Thai Dhammaduta Union in accordance with the announcement.
24. The Board of Committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union appoint the annual auditors
Section 6: Meeting
25. There are 3 types of Thai Dhammaduta Union meetings:
(1) Annual general meeting
(2) Extraordinary meeting
(3) Conferencing via electronic media (Online)
25.1 Annual General Meeting to be held once a year during February-March. There must be at least two-thirds of members from all temples attending the meeting to complete the quorum.
25.2 The annual general meeting is the one that determines the venue for the next year's general meeting
25.3 Extraordinary meetings are held when the annual general meeting agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting or the chairman of the Thai Dhammaduta Union is the one who summons the meeting in case of urgent consideration or when one of the 3 committees signs a proposal to the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union
25.4 Extraordinary meeting venue shall be determined by the annual general meeting or the President of the Thai Dhammaduta Union, as the case may be.
25.5 The resolution of the meeting shall be passed by a majority of votes. In the case of equal votes, the chairman can make the additional votes.
26. Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Thai Dhammaduta Union There must be at least 2 out of 3 attendees to form a quorum. and to hold meetings at least twice a year
27. For additional procedures and details related to the meeting shall be in accordance with the announcement
Section 7: Amendment
28. Amendments or improvements to these regulations can be done with a resolution approving two-thirds of all members of the temple meeting in the annual general meeting.
29. Interpretation of these regulations shall be the resolution of the board of committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union as the final.
Section 8: Termination
30. When the organization of the Thai Dhammaduta Union is unable to continue, needs to end, all assets should be given to Buddhist charities only.
Section 9: Transitory Provisions
31. The elected board of committee of the Thai Dhammaduta Union and or other committees appointed before this regulation are still the members in accordance with the regulations of the Thai Dhammaduta Union in all respects until the end of the agenda
Announced on the 23rd July B.E. 2563 (2020)
(Phra Kitti Soponvides)
President of the Union of Thai Sanghas in Oceania